Monday, 23 December 2013

Returning to Skaven.

After the my last game of 40k and my inability to compete with other current 40k lists I decided to return to the land of Fantasy. Most of my games (all 4 of them) have been reletively competitive.  More than that, I feel the game is more competitive. I'm sure after facing off against some store armies I'll change my tune but for the time being I'm content to put the finishing touches on my Skaven list. 

The list itself is centered around the Screaming Bell pushed by 34 Storm Vermin. I put a lot of work into all of my bases and trays but the bell unit took the most effort as many of the models had to be converted to fit under the rear of the bell and along the left side where the halberds are naturally trying to stab the bell to death. An earthing rod is a must take and maybe a potion to restore wounds. Beyond that I'm sorta lost as too how to complete the army. I have 2 units of 35 slaves and a unit of clan rats 35 strong as we'll.  All have shields. I had hoped that equipping shields would allow for a lower model count but after a few games it's clear that shooting and magic damage is costly to my t3 troops and shields are useless against it. The Abomination is in. It's a winner and it was clear to me the very first time I played with it. I also have the obligatory Doom Wheel and Warp Lightning Cannon. Both are solid and do well for me every time they hit the table.  

My absolute favourite unit that I have used is the engineer with doom rocket. For some reason it's worked for me every time I've used it. Save 2 dice, teleport the warlock, then roll 5 dice.  When you start to roll 5 or 6 dice you tend to get a really average result.  A reliable result. Strength 5 large blast really hurts in fantasy. It's a one hit wonder that gets results. 

Currently I'm basing my doom wheel and finishing painting my abomination. More to come. 

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